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History of Upper Alton, Illinois -Including Salu and Milton

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Dating Sites Mel Upper Alton Illinois

A Rocky Beginning
Upper Alton spranginto existence about the same time as [Lower] Alton, although inthe early years of its history it had a more vigorous growththan its rival. Joseph Meacham, a native of Vermont who came toIllinois in 1811, was the original proprietor. He surveyed thesite of the town into lots in 1817, and proposed to sell thelots by lottery – each ticket entitling the holder to one lot,or thirty acres, more or less. For some years there wasconsiderable problems with the titles. Meacham had only paid theland office one fourth of the amount due. Under the existingrules then in force, he received a certificate of entry, and wasentitled to a patent on payment of the balance of the purchasemoney. Subsequently he became financially embarrassed, and wasunable to pay his debts. He assigned his certificate to James W.Whitney, Erastus Brown, John Allen, and Ebenezer Hodges, whopaid the balance due the Land Office, and obtained a patent.Meanwhile, Ninian Edwards and Charles W. Hunter had procuredjudgments against Meacham, and sold a number of lots for whichdeeds had been given by Meacham while he held the certificate ofentry. Litigation followed, and a compromise was finally madewhere Whitney, Brown, Allen, Hodges, Edwards, and Hunter,divided most of the lots between them, while the originalpurchaser was crowded out entirely. Meacham, after foundingUpper Alton, purchased what was known as the Bates farm, andprojected a town which he advertised as “Alton on the river.”Major Charles W. Hunter became interested in this lastenterprise in 1818, and out of it grew Hunterstown, now part ofAlton. This “Alton on the River,” later called Hunterstown, wasland east of Henry Street in Alton.
For some years after1817, Upper Alton (known then by the name of Alton) surpassedLower Alton in population and improvements. Among the earlysettlers were:
Dr. Augustus Langworthy, Ebenezer Hodges,James W. Whitney, Robert Sinclair, Elisha Dodge, WilliamKessler, Benjamin Spencer, Hezekiah H. Gear, Isaac Woodburn,Benjamin Steadman, David Smith, George Smith, Erastus Brown,Rev. Bennett Maxey, John A. Maxey, John Seeley, NathanielPinckard, William G. Pinckard, John Allen, Willis Webb, BenjaminHail, Samuel Delaplain, Henry P. Rundle, Alanson S. Wells,Jonathan Brown, Ephraim Marsh, Levi McNeil, Thomas Allen,Zachariah Allen, Shadrach Brown, William Heath, Daniel Crume,Enoch Long, and Joel Finch.
James W. Whitney was alawyer. He died in Adams County at the age of eighty-five. Hewas familiarly called “Lord Coke.” Among the papers of GeorgeChurchill was found this memorandum: “Whitney is a Yankee fromthe vicinity of Boston, and came to this country in 1800. He hasbeen two thousand five hundred miles up the Missouri, and wastaken prisoner by the Indians.”
Dr. Augustus Langworthyhad come to Illinois from Vermont. On the establishment of thepost office in 1818, he was appointed postmaster. The office wasthen called Alton, and was supplied by a weekly mail, carried onhorseback, on a route from Carlyle to St. Charles, Missouri,crossing the Mississippi at Lower Alton.
Dr. ErastusBrown had the first drugstore in Upper Alton, and the Rev.Bennett Maxey was the first minister of the Gospel. John Allenand Benjamin Spencer filled the office of Justices of the Peacein 1818, and Willis Webb and Benjamin Hail served the same yearas constables.
The grandsons of Bennett Maxey ran asaloon out of the front of the Maxey homestead on WashingtonAvenue, two blocks north of College Avenue. This home was one ofthe oldest in Upper Alton, being built about 1812. The land hadpreviously been owned by Ebenezer Hodges, and consisted of 255acres. After several lawsuits concerning the land, it wasdivided up, and after passing through several hands, become theproperty of Rev. Bennett Maxey, who built a log home on theproperty. This home also served as the post office. Travelerswould stop at the Maxey saloon for a drink and rest during theirtravels through the area. Samuel B. Taggart bought the homesteadfrom the Maxey heirs in about 1872. Israel H. Streeper occupiedthe home with the Maxeys at one time. The home was torn down inabout 1912.
Robert Sinclair was Deputy Sheriff in UpperAlton. He was shrewd, eccentric, and illiterate. He was foundguilty of complicity in a robbery, and though present when theverdict was rendered, he escaped before the officials couldsecure him. He fled to Arkansas, became popular there, and waselected a member of the State Legislature.
One of theearly residents of Upper Alton, who came to the place in 1818,describes the town on his arrival as a little village of logcabins. There was one store kept by Shadrach Brown, in a littlelog house in the extreme south part of the town. It was ageneral store, but with a very poor and small stock of goods.There was a double log cabin, where in one room whiskey was keptfor sale, and in the other was the only hotel in the town.William Morris was the proprietor. There was one small framebuilding, erected by Benjamin Spencer, and used by him as ashop. In 1818 Nathaniel and Oliver Brown moved from ChampaignCounty, Ohio to Upper Alton.
William G. Pinckard, WilliamHeath, and Daniel Crume and their families, all from Ohio, firstsettled at Hunterstown in the Fall of 1819, and came to UpperAlton (or Salu). These families, fifteen people in all, spentthe following winter in a log cabin of two rooms. That winterPinckard and Heath constructed a pottery, and in the spring of1820 began the manufacture of pottery ware, for which there wasa great demand. Nathaniel Pinckard, father of William G., becamea resident of Upper Alton at the same time. Thomas StantonPinckard, a son of William G. Pinckard, stated that his father,in 1834, moved to Lower Alton, and in 1837 to Middle Alton, andin 1846 back again to Lower Alton. Thomas had a vividrecollection of several of the old settlers who were living whenhe was a boy. “Abel Moore,” he wrote, “in his Dearborn wagonwith his wooden leg. Tommy Nichols, with his favorite byword‘Dad-burn it.’ Old McAuley; old George Bell – all old rangers inthe Indian troubles. Often these men visited my father’s housewhen I was a boy, and by a bright, glowing fireplace, seated onfather’s knee, I listened to the hair-breadth escapes andthrilling incidents of border life. The murder of the Reganfamily in the forks of the Wood River in 1814 was often spokenof by these old rangers, some of whom participated in thepursuit and killing of the savage murderers. It was a commonoccurrence for us children to pick up Indian arrowheads in thetimber and fields of Middle Alton, up to 1840.”
In 1820 aFourth of July celebration in Upper Alton was held. Hezekiah H.Gear, mounted on horseback in full military uniform, was theMarshal of the day. J. W. Whitney read the Declaration ofIndependence, and William Jenks delivered an oration. Thecompany then repaired to the table, where a plenteous andexcellent meal was served by Dr. Augustus Langworthy. JamesSmith, an aged Revolutionary Patriot and one of the firstsettlers, presided, assisted by K. P. Day, the Vice-President.Several toasts were made, and suitable pieces of vocal andinstrumental music were played, each accompanied with thedischarge of a piece of artillery, together with the reiteratedcheers and plaudits of the company. Benjamin Spencer, HezekiahH. Gear, Dr. Hewetson of Alton, and Robert Sinclair were amongthose who participated in the toasts.
The firstpostmaster in Upper Alton was Augustus Langworthy, who wasappointed in 1818, and was succeeded by Rev. Bennett Maxey in1824. Maxey’s residence was in Salu, and consequently the postoffice’s name was changed to Salu. In 1826, he resigned theoffice, and George Smith received the commission. The office wasthen brought back to Upper Alton, and then name changed to“Alton.” In 1835, David Smith received the appointment aspostmaster. The name of the office was then changed to UpperAlton, and the post office at Lower Alton, which bore the nameof Lower Alton, was changed to Alton. In 1849 Frank Hewitt wasappointed postmaster, and was succeeded in 1853 by JosephChapman. James Smith was next placed in charge of the office.Aaron Butler was commissioned in 1861, and was followed in 1866by Rev. T. B. Hurlburt. Aaron Butler was re-appointed in 1867.Joseph H. Weeks was appointed in 1877, and remained so through1882.
In 1831, Upper Alton was described as havethirty-five families and two hundred souls. It had two stores,one tavern, one blacksmith shop, one ox flouring mill, one wagonmaker, one tannery, one saddlery, one shoemaker, one brickmaker, two carpenters, two physicians, one pottery, a postoffice, and a brick schoolhouse. Three years later, in 1834,Upper Alton had three stores, one house of entertainment, threephysicians, various mechanics, a pottery, a brick schoolhouse, asteam flouring mill, but no grocery or whiskey shop. About sixtyfamilies resided there at that time. J. S. Nutter and J. L.Bingham opened a new livery stable in Upper Alton in 1836, and anew Lyceum was opened. In 1839, Upper Alton had eight stores,five groceries, two lawyers, five physicians, mechanics ofvarious descriptions, a steam saw and flour mill, and aboutthree hundred families.
In 1835 a stone building was erected by John Higham and Mrs.Caswell, both pioneer residents. It was an early residence ofRev. T. B Hurlbut, and was located at the southeast corner ofCollege Avenue and Clawson Street. The first Anti-SlaverySociety in Illinois was organized there in 1837. It was laterowned for years by Dr. Isaac Moore, and then his son, MajorFrank Moore. It was later turned into a double dwelling house.Mr. Higham occupied the east side of the building. His daughterwas Mrs. John Bostwick, who met Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy as shewas returning from school at Jacksonville in a stage coach. Mr.Lovejoy produced a cigar and asked if she objected to tobaccosmoke. She said she did. To this he replied, “Some people do,”and proceeded to smoke his cigar. This stone building stillstands today, and is known as the “Rock House.” It is used forapartments.
Upper Alton business in 1861 included:
Physician and Surgeon – Frederick Humbert, Edward Rodgers, andH. K. Lathy
Madison House (hotel) – Benjamin Delaplain
Upper Alton House (hotel) – Mrs. Day
Postmaster – J. Smith
Dry Goods and Groceries – F. Hewit
Stove, Hardware and Tinstore – John Kell & Son
Grocery and Provisions, Masonic Hall– William Campbell
Salamander Pottery – Hugh Sawyer
AetnaInsurance Agent – Joseph Chapman
Attorney & Justice of thePeace – J. B. Randall
School for Young Ladies – Mrs. Willetts
In 1867 the horse streetcar was established in Upper Alton,connecting Upper Alton to Alton. There was a side switch toenable cars to pass one another.
By 1882, the followingbusiness were located in Upper Alton:
General merchants – E.G. Webster, Thomas R. Murphy, and Henry Loehr
Grocers –Mahlon Malson, E. O. Reader, August Hildebrand, and Albert H.Hastings
Drugstores – Henry C. Swift and Fred J. Stebbins
Books, stationery, and gents’ furnishings – M. A. Leverett
Stoves and tinware – Evan E. Betts
Boots and shoes – Mrs. K.K. Boyle and Louis Ehrler
Baker – F. L. Vogelpohl
Butchers– Bradley & Co., and Albert H. Hastings
Shoemaker – Henry L.Walke
Wagon makers – Robert R. and John McReynolds
Architect and builder – Oliver G. Stelle
Undertaker – IsraelH. Streeper
Cigar Manufactory – H. S. Darnielle and H. H.Rippe
Attorney – Cyrus W. Leverett
Justices of the Peace –Daniel W. Collett and Amos E. Benbow
Physicians – T. P.Yerkes, Edward C. Lemen, and Henry T. Burnap
Principal ofPublic Schools – Benjamin P. Harris
Upper Alton Annexedinto Alton
In 1911, Upper Alton was annexed into Alton. Atthat time, it had several miles of paved streets, two streetrailroads, a water works system, and electric lights. No saloonsexisted after the establishment of Shurtleff College, whoforbade the sale of liquor within one mile of the college.
The Stone Spring (Rock Spring Park)
As early as 1862,reference was made in the early newspapers to a stone springbetween Middletown and Upper Alton. It was a popular spot forpicnics and strolling through the tree-lined paths. This samespring had been used by Indians as they passed through the area.A clear spring poured through a cleft in a large rock at thefoot of a hill, and provided drinking water to all who wanted topartake.
During the Civil War, soldiers encamped near thewooded area east of Upper Alton. Legend has it that the ladiesof Upper Alton baked them pies, and Upper Alton took on thenickname of “Pie Town.”
In 1896, Harry Marsh owned the property, and sold it to JosephF. Porter, President of the Alton Railway and IlluminatingCompany. This land was along the route of the electricstreetcar, and it was his dream to renovate the park forpicnics, concerts, and other popular amusements. He ran a trackinto the park, and began making improvements such as planting200 trees, shrubs, flower beds, a pavilion, a playhouse, agreenhouse, and a small lake with a bridge. On June 15, 1907,the park officially opened to the public. Over two thousandattended the grand opening, and enjoyed an arcade,merry-go-round, dance hall, shooting gallery, parlor bowling,novelty balls, refreshment stands, and the Rock Spring Theaterwith vaudeville.
In 1907, William Eliot Smith offered 60acres of land adjacent to Joseph Porter’s Rock Spring Park tothe city as a permanent park site, provided Joseph Porter woulddonate his land also. This was accepted by Porter, and RockSpring Park officially became the property of Alton in 1908. InMay 1914, the Rock Spring Country Club had its formal opening,which was a new social center. The new clubhouse and clubgrounds were very popular with golfers.
Early Schools ofUpper Alton
The first schoolhouse was a small log cabin,about fourteen feet square. The floor was of rough-hewn, splitlogs, laid in a manner as rough as the material. This structurestood in the south part of the town, and was soon replaced byanother building more centrally located on the street leading toMilton. This was likewise built of logs, but was more commodiousand comfortable than its predecessor, and was used for severalyears. The seats were made out of slabs hauled from the sawmillat Milton. One of the pupils of those days writes: “The smallscholars were required to sit on these miserable benches withoutbacks, and be very quiet, though some of the smallest could notreach the floor with their feet. The larger scholars were betterprovided for, as their seats were next to the wall, and a boardwas placed in front of them for a writing desk. Our school bookswere – Webster’s Speller, Walker’s Dictionary, Pike’sArithmetic, Murray’s Reader, and Murray’s English Grammar.”Among the early teachers of this school were: Mr. Rose, NelsonAldrich, H. H. Snow, Enoch Long, Rowlet Maxey, and Levi McNeil.For a short time, a man named Jinks served as teacher, but wasdischarged for lying down and sleeping on the benches duringschool hours. His devotion to whiskey was the cause. Except forthis, he was an excellent teacher.
In November 1841,Mrs. Hurlbut opened a private school in a building formerlyoccupied as a store. Orthography, reading, writing, geography,grammar, history, arithmetic, philosophy, composition, rhetoric,logic, botany, chemistry, and astronomy were taught.
Lincoln School (later called Dunbar) was constructed in 1895 forthe colored children living in the Salu area. When Upper Altonwas annexed to Alton, and there being a Lincoln School in Altonalready, the name was changed to Dunbar. Dunbar closed in 1975,and was razed in 1991.
Gillham School was located on MainStreet just south of Upper Alton. It was a two-room framebuilding. This building was later torn down, a new buildingerected in 1921, and named Clara Barton School.
UpperAlton High School was erected in the late 1800s, at thenorthwest corner of Edwards and Seminary Street. When UpperAlton was annexed into Alton in 1911, this school ceased toexist as a high school. The building was converted into HoraceMann Elementary School. Later, the old building was torn downand a new modern Horace Mann School was erected.
Early Upper Alton Churches
From the time they made their homein Upper Alton, the houses of Nathaniel Pinckard and William G.Pinckard were the stopping places of the pioneer preachers, andreligious services were often held at their houses, and also atthat of Jonathan Brown. The Reverends Samuel Thompson, ThomasRandle, John Dew, and Jesse Walker were among the earlyministers. The first Sunday School in Illinois was opened inUpper Alton in 1817.
A Methodist Sunday School wasformed at Upper Alton in 1817, with members Ebenezer Hodges,Mary Hodges, Jonathan Brown, Delilah Brown, Oliver Brown, andJohn Seely. Mrs. Mary Woodburn was added, along with the wife ofWilliam G. Pinckard. The first religious services were held inthe cabin of Ebenezer Hodges, which stood where the BaptistChurch was later erected. John Dew may have been the firstpreacher. Rev. Samuel H. Thompson officiated as pastor from 1818to 1820. In 1835, the first church edifice, a frame building,was erected. In 1849 a brick church was constructed.
TheBaptist Church in Upper Alton was organized in April 25, 1830 byRev. John M. Peck. There were eight original members – EphraimMarsh, James D. W. Marsh, Don Alonzo Spaulding, Mrs. FrancesMarsh, and Rachel Garrett. Rev. Ebenezer Rodgers was the pastorfrom 1834 to 1838. The name at that time was Alton BaptistChurch. For nearly six years services were held in eitherprivate homes or in what was known as the brick schoolhouse. In1836, a house of worship was completed, and used by thecongregation for more than thirty years.
In May 1868,the Second Baptist Church (colored) was organized at the Salemschoolhouse in Upper Alton. The names of the original memberswere Cyrus M. Howard and wife, John A. Howard, W. Scott andwife, Eliza Grason, Mary A. Wilson, Martha Broner, MarthaFoster, and James Brown. The council that organized the churchwas Rev. Washington Leverett, Rev. Tilbury, Rev. H. C. Hazen,and George A. Cressy. Subsequently, they were recognized as aregular Baptist Church. In 1869 they erected a house of worshipat a cost of $1,400. It was dedicated in September 1869. Thechurch was 36 x 56 feet, with 14-foot ceiling. Early pastors ofthis church include J. Robinson, W. H. Howard, William Webster,W. H. Willitt, and W. C. Carter.
The Presbyterian Churchwas organized in 1837 at the home of Deacon Enoch Long, at thecorner of Main and College Avenue, with twenty-four members. Thefirst minister was the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy, then a residentof Alton, and publisher of the Alton Observer. He was killed bya mob in Alton in November 1837. In 1838, twenty-six new memberswere added. A house of worship was erected in 1838, and in 1858destroyed by fire. A new church building was partially completedin 1861, and was dedicated in 1865.
Milton was laid out by John Wallaceand Walter J. Seely sometime in about 1809. It was located insection 17 in Wood River Township, where the Wood River, withits small rapids, divided the future East Alton from Alton. JohnWallace erected a large mill on the Wood River, which at thattime was large enough for keel boats to navigated up from theMississippi.
There were other mills in Milton - twosawmills, and a grist or flour mill. William and John Whitesideattempted to build a water powered mill on the Wood River asearly as 1806, but their effort was not successful.
Milton became a bustling, active village – even larger than thefledgling settlement at the future site of Alton. A. W. Donohueerected a store building at the bridge in Milton, with R. T.McHenry in charge. Milton also had a distillery and a tavern.
Reverend Thomas Lippincott was an early resident of Milton. Hewas born in Salem, New Jersey, February 6, 1791, of Quakerparentage. He moved to Philadelphia in 1802, and in 1814 movedto New York, where he married Miss Patty Swift. In 1817, withhis wife and infant daughter, he moved to Shawneetown, Illinois.He moved to St. Louis, MO, and after Colonel Rufus Easton laidout the new town of Alton, Lippincott was hired to make a copyof a map of this place in order to sell lots. After clerking inEaston’s store, he proposed that Lippincott take a stock ofgoods to Alton and start a store. Lippincott and his goods wereloaded onto the Fountain Ferry in 1818, and he stepped off theferry near Fountain Creek (later known as Piasa Creek) at Alton.His goods were loaded into a wagon and taken to Milton by wagontrail. Milton at that time was a bustling new town compared toAlton. Within a few months of Lippincott’s arrival, he receiveda commission as Milton’s Justice of the Peace. Upon his arrivalin Milton, he discovered a public house kept by Joel Bacon in acabin near the bridge crossing the Wood River. In the summer of1819, Bacon erected a frame house a little higher up, where hemoved his family and tavern. The tavern was not a drinkinghouse, but entertained travelers as comfortably as thecircumstances allowed. Above the door a sign hung which read,“Entertainment for Man and Beast.” Lippincott boarded with themfor some weeks or months until he was ready to occupy the littleroom in the rear of his store.
Travelers arriving inMilton in their wagons procured necessary supplies at theLippincott store and pushed on westward, not going up the riverto Alton. Some traveled up the hill to the town of Salu (UpperAlton), then on northward through Scarritt’s Prairie (Godfrey).Thus, Salu grew quite quickly, many stopping there permanently.
In September 1818 William Greene Pinckard and familyarrived at Milton in a wagon, after a long overland trip fromLondon, Ohio. They purchased supplies from Rev. Lippincott, andproceeded west up the river to what was called Shield’s Branch(now Bozzatown). Here, he and his family, along with hisbrother-in-law, Daniel Crume, remained for the winter.
Inthe summer of 1819, Mr. Robert Collet, a merchant of St. Louis,bought out the interest of Mr. Walter Seely in Milton – thusWallace and Collett became the proprietors of the village andmill. Mr. Collett kept a store there.
Power for themills was obtained by a dam across the Wood River. The still,stagnant water in back of the dam soon caused an outbreak ofsickness. Many of the inhabitants of Milton died of malarialfever, and were buried on the adjacent hillside in the MiltonCemetery. The remaining settlers quickly abandoned their homesand left Milton, in fear of coming down with the sickness. Thetavern was moved to Upper Alton. The sawmill was abandoned inabout 1830, when Alton began to show signs of life. Today,nothing is left of Milton except for the cemetery, which holdsthe remains of the original inhabitants. The log buildings weretorn down and the materials used elsewhere.
Bennett Maxey, ErastusBrown, Isaac Waters, and Zachariah Allen laid out the town ofSalu, adjoining Upper Alton to the north. In an advertisement inthe Edwardsville Spectator in 1820, the town of Salu wasdescribed as thus:
“The site for the town of Salu isconsidered more eligible than others, which can be selected onthe waters of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. This town issituated on the first high, rolling, and commanding ground fromthe river, north of Upper Alton. There are no ponds nor stagnantwaters – the source of so much disease in this country, but itis well supplied with springs of pure water. Good mechanics ofmoral, industrious habits and respectable men of otheroccupations will receive liberal encouragement to settle in thistown. It may be considered extraordinary that a new town,bearing a new name, should be laid out adjoining Upper Alton, asthis town is well situation, and already contains more thanthirty families. It is from these considerations that the townof Salu is laid out, and the lots offered to actual settlers. Noclear and indisputable title could heretofore have been obtainedfor any lot in Upper Alton, and the legal questions connectedwith the land are complicated and difficult. Under thesecircumstances, the people who had settled in Alton could notprudentially make improvements, but had become more and moreconvinced of the unusually healthy and commanding situation fora great town, and were unwilling to remove to any other town, orpart of this state or country. Therefore, the subscriberspurchased the site for the town of Salu, which has all theadvantages of Alton, and have given the new town a new name,because Alton embraced Upper and Lower Alton, two separate anddistinct sites for towns, situated more than one mile apart;from these considerations it was not thought advisable to extendAlton to greater limits, and therefore the subscribers havenamed the town Salu.”
Signed by Bennett Maxey, Erastus Brown,Isaac Waters, and Zachariah Allen.
In 1832, Isaac Warnacksettled in the village of Salu with his mother, Elizabeth, andhis brother, Henry Warnack. Warnack purchased 34 acres where apottery was established by 1843. It was located on Salu Street,west of Seminary Street. The Warnack pottery employed five menin 1850. They used a technique of dipping salt-glazed vessels,which created a distinctive two-tone effect. The pottery ceasedproduction in 1868.
In later years Salu became home tomost of the black population in Upper Alton, including formerslaves. Salu was annexed into Upper Alton.